Welcome to the CoffeeWorshiper!

Coffee Worshiper – Founder, Chairman
- Coffee Aficionado – Vice-President, Editor, Writer
- Coffee Snob – Writer
- Coffee Purista – Writer
- Coffee Expert – Writer
Our team has been gathered to make this site for every coffee lover who seeks a perfect cup of coffee. We will be your pathfinder through the jungle of coffee products, your advisor, your researcher, and at the end, we promise we will be your source of the best information about everything that is related to coffee.
Since our experience connected with coffee starts in our early student days, we can say that we, for our own pleasure and needments, tried many coffee products, all that in order to find the best one that cures the tired body, sleepy head and sleepless nights. So many passed exams lie on liters and liters of coffee. The truth is that now when we are older and wiser, we mostly drink coffee out of pleasure, and not just to stay awake.
Even now, while writing and researching about this heavenly product, we enjoy the endless line of cups with different types of coffee and all its variations.
During all these years of experience in coffee drinking, all our members went through different stages in the choice of coffee type and way of its brewing. Now, as the experienced coffee drinkers with different preferences, we carefully arrange tasks, in order to give you information from the first hand.
Our goal is to help every coffee devotee to find exactly what he needs, from the coffee type and all its variations and flavors, through the ways of brewing, to all models of coffee machines. We will encourage you and persuade you to enter the world of brewing coffee on your own, exploring the best types of coffee, to try some new flavors, to find that one that suits your body and health conditions the best, and to show you what coffee machine can do all that.
We promise that you will enjoy reading our articles and that you will enter this site with the same pleasure that we feel when doing our research and sharing our experience.
Let us be your faithful partner in the exploration of the wonderful and colorful world of coffee.